After 6 years, Hubby and I finally started talking about rug rats. We didn't tell many people but I went off the BC over the summer and we were going to start trying in January of 2010. Well because I am crazy and a major planner, we decided that it would be better for both of our sanities if instead of waiting to start trying, we just didn't prevent things...if you know what I mean. Well...
Tuesday 10/13/2009
Negative test
Thursday 10/15/2009
Hubby and I went to a Mavs game
thanks to my boss giving us his preseason tickets. I was feeling fine but when we got home, I can't really explain it, I was just feeling bleh. Kinda sick to my stomach and just kind of gross all around. I decided to take a test just to see (becasue I am certifiably crazy). At 10:30PM I saw two pink lines. One was definitely lighter than the other so I wasn't exactly sure what that meant. I immediately ran upstairs and googled "pictures of positive tests". Turns out there is a website devoted to just such a thing...WHO KNEW! I took a picture, sent it to a friend who JUST had a baby (like on 10/30/2009) and texted her for help. I handed it to Hubby and asked if that looked like two lines to him and he replied with "no, I don't see two lines"...sensitive, I know. I went to bed, kinda freaking out but realizing there was nothing I could but wait. It was at this point though that I read in "What to Expect" that any line equals positive because it is picking up on the hormone. How I was able to sleep, I have no idea. Friday 10/16/2009
Took another test first thing in the morning...again...two lines. Finished up a work convention that I was attending and stopped by Target on my way home and bought two different types of tests. I went home and immediately took another one, this time a digital. I waited the two minutes that the box said, closed my eyes, and looked at the test...
Well, it was official. Hubby and I decided that we should be cautiously optimitic but we still wanted to share the good news with everyone! We called his mom, I called Jamie, and I told Wendy that night. I know, I know...what about MY parents...I knew I was seeing them the next day and this was something I wanted to say in person.
Saturday 10/17/2009
6:00AM - I arrived at my parents house to take them to the airport...they were headed to NYC. My mom was still getting ready in their bathroom, but my dad walked in to grab his bag and I told them that I had a picture to show them real quick (that morning, before heading to their house, I printed off the picture of the positive test). I handed it to my dad, who looked like he had stuff to get done, and he stopped in his tracks. He looked at me and said "is this yours?!" and my mom looked shocked and said "oh my gosh!". My dad got tears in his eyes, which made me cry of course, and they both gave me the biggest hugs! They were so excited.
The remainder of the day, I called Hubby and I's aunts to let them know the good news. We also told some friends that night. We decided to stop there until I made an appointment with the midwife, then we would tell the rest of our friends and people at work.
Sunday 10/18/2009
Took one more test...just in case...positive! I am officially 5 weeks and due (according to What to Expect's website) June 27th - 2010.
Monday 10/19/2009
Took one more test in the evening because I really can't wrap my mind around the fact that I have a baby growing inside me. I feel fine, normal in fact. Other than having to pee a lot but I was that way before so I don't know if it is related. I know I am still REALLY early on but I just can't believe it. I made my first appointment with the Birth Center (more info on this to come), Nov 13th. I think I will scream it from the mountain tops after that appointment! I just can't wait to tell everyone!
Monday 11/2/2009
So as of today, we have told pretty much everyone, we just couldn't resist. We are both so excited that we want everyone to get to share in those emotions! As of yesterday, according to WTE I am 7 weeks. Crazy. I am still feeling good. Tired and sometimes a little bleh to my stomach but overall, feeling great! Still can't believe it. To date I have taken 9 home pregnancy tests and had blood taken at the Birth Center to confirm. It is just to wild and happened so quick, it just doesnt feel real. I am taking good care of myself and plan to go through this journey with everyone, so get ready!
Happy Baby!
Im sooooo excited!!!! Weeeeeee!!!!!!!! <3 You Guys!!!!!
Congratulations, Megan! I can't believe you took 9 pregnancy tests! Best wishes for a safe and happy pregnancy! :)
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