Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Notebook

My hubby was working last night, so I decided to finally muster up the emotional courage to watch The Notebook that I had DVRed months ago (before Easter as least because I saw a commercial for candy eggs...).

What is it about that movie that just find the deepest part of your soul and touches just gets into your heart and your mind and you just can't function like a normal human being!

I started it after dinner, getting about an hour or so in before my adorable husband came downstairs and we decided to take the dogs for a W-A-L-K to check out the vandalism that had taken place at the park in our neighborhood. Stupid kids. (PS...If you are going to spray paint on children's play equipment...I would recommend not "tagging" with your initials...just saying...)

Watched the last hour of the movie in bed. My hubby ended up coming in right at the end...when James Garner and Gena Rowlands are dancing after she has just "come back to him" and they are sharing this amazingly emotional moment and then he looses her again. At this point, hubby is laying his head in my lap...I am trying not to gasp for air as I choke on my own tears. He knows I am crying...I don't know why I pretend that I'm not. By the end, I am finished...done, an emotional wreck. I scrap myself off the floor and drag myself to the bathroom where I proceed to cry even more! WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! It's like I almost enjoy the emotional break down...a release...I feel better and crawl into bed.

Don't get me wrong, it is emotional, you will cry...but not in a bad way. You will embrace your sweetie tighter. You will yearn for the love the Noah and Allie share. You will realize that life is beautiful and shouldn't be taken for least that is what I take away from it.

If you haven't seen The Notebook or read the book by Nicholas Sparks (who is amazing and has somehow figured out how women are wired...), do it TONIGHT. Not tomorrow...not this weekend...TONIGHT. Grab a tissue and remember ladies, it's just a like that, don't exist.

Happy watching!

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